The Flight Instructor Course

Learning to Teach

This course addresses the academic background required of flight instructors. It's built as a series of quizzes covering:

  1. Flight Operations,
  2. Learning and Teaching,
  3. Initial Air Exercises,
  4. Upper Air Exercises,
  5. Circuit Exercises,
  6. Lower Air Exercises,
  7. Navigation,
  8. Instrument Flying,
  9. Commercial Pilot training, and
  10. Flight Test Preparation.

Working through these exercises as you work through your instructor course will help you build an confirm the knowledge required to provide top-nothch flight instruction.

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • QUIZ 1-1: Safety

    • QUIZ 1-2: Energy Management and Right Seat Flying

    • QUIZ 1-3: Engines and Systems

    • QUIZ 1-4: Theory of Flight

    • QUIZ 1-5: Aircraft Instrumentation

    • QUIZ 1-6: Human Factors

  2. 2
    • QUIZ: Principles of Learning

    • QUIZ: Principles of Teaching

    • QUIZ: Flight Training Elements

Your Instructor

Senior Instructor

Steve Pomroy

Steve Pomroy holds an Airline transport Pilot License and a Class 1 Flight Instructor Rating. With over 20 years in aviation and over 6,000 hours of flying time, most of Steve's professional experience is in flight operations. Most recently, he's been operating as a Captain on a Dash-8-Q400 aircraft at a regional airline in Canada.

Steve's teaching background includes three years teaching Mechanical Engineering at an international college in the Middle East, and many years (and thousands of flight hours!) as a flight instructor, both civilian and military. Aside from in-person instruction (both in the classroom and in the airplane), Steve has also worked behind-the-scenes on tutorial video development for

Currently, Steve's program and course-development efforts are focused on aviation courses at and on engineering courses at